Already have your Username and Password.
Enter your Username and Password to login and register.



User name and password are case sensitive
That means
Smith doesn't match smith.

Registration requirements

  1. Download and setup
    First download and setup Ldp Line software to try it and see if Ldp Line covers your needs and requirements and if this software is suitable for your work.

  2. payment
    Ldp Line price is 75 US$.
    There is a Special offer for students and individuals 50 US$.
    You can pay online via credit card.

  3. After payment you will receive an email contain your Username and Password.
    Please keep your Password because you will need it whenever you need to setup Ldp Line again in the future.

  4. By using your password you will be allowed to register LdP Line up to 10 or 5 times (Depending on the package which you have purchased)*.

  5. Already have your Username and Password, Please go above and fill your Username and Password. Then press Login.

* Frequently questions.

When have I to register?
You will need to register LdP Line after every setup. That means, if you remove your operating system (windows) or if you have a new computer you will need to setup LdP Line once again, thus you will need to register.

How can I register?
When you run LdP Line, the registration form will appear to you. Copy the registration no. which appear to you in this form.
By using your user name and password login into your account then put the registration no. in its field then press "go". So you will get the key no. which you need to register.
Run LdP Line again and fill this key no. in its field in registration form then press register.

How many times can I get a new key no. which used to register?
Normally you can get a new key no. up to 10 times. But if you have purchased according to the special offer which available for students and individuals, you can get a new key no. up to 5 times.

How can I obtain my username and password?
Once after payment is processed, you will receive an email contain your username and password.

I have already finished payment process but I didn’t receive my username and password?
We are careful to send the username and password just after payment, but in some cases, this email is directed to your junk (spam) mail folder. So if you don’t find the email in your mail box pleas try to find it in your junk mail folder.

If you have any other question please send an email to